Past Classes

Here you can see samples of classes we have held in the past.

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Energy Enhancement Retreat

April 29-30, Saturday 9:00am - Sunday 9:00am
With Corey Winters, N.D.
Located at Embassy of Life Mastery, 5410 S. Vandecar Rd., Mt Pleasant
Class Limit 12, Price $796 - includes 14 hours in Energy Enhancement System

Join this amazing, healing/rejuvenating opportunity! On this retreat, you will receive 14 hours in the energy enhancement system. A $700 value. This is a chance to be renewed on all levels – Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. This experience will raise one’s vibration, activate the potential of one’s pineal gland, and facilitate movement into a deeper relationship with the miraculous energies around us. A full night of rest in the Energy Enhancement System will be preceded by an entire day of healing foods and advanced modalities to “prime” the individual for sleep in the scalar vortex.

Advanced Vibrational Raindrop Therapy

Vibrational Raindrop Technique (VRT) teaches a deeper understanding of harmonics as it relates to the human body. We present information on the Chinese energetics which underlie the choice of points for VRT. This training will provide practical applied aromatherapy skills for the healing professionals who choose to integrate essential oils, tuning forks, and gemstone therapy into their practices, as well as for the non-professionals who are empowering themselves to increase the health and well being of themselves, family, and friends.

Making Chembusters for Protection from Chemtrails

Welcome to the world of Orgone devices. Orgone devices are compiled of Quartz crystal, resin, and metal. These devices have proven to cleanse, heal, and balance the energies they encounter! In this workshop, you will assemble and take home your own Chembuster/Cloudbuster! Class Material Fee: The materials for this class must be paid in advance for the instructor to have all materials. Couples are welcome to sign up individually but pay for materials to build one Chembuster. Material fees do need to be paid for before the class, as the instructor will only buy for the number purchased.

Internal Alchemy: Using the Enneagram to Align Your Life

Unlike many “personality typing” systems, the Enneagram is not a box into which to paint yourself, nor is it a crutch used to shirk responsibility for your behavior. It is so much more! Drawing from both ancient wisdom traditions and modern psychology, it is a tool meant to help you relate to yourself and others at a deeper level and designed to bring understanding to your unique values and specific survival strategies. Learning the Enneagram provides a framework of self-knowledge and self-awareness, offering not only keys to transform old patterns in ourselves but also, for liberating our life energy to nourish meaningful and impactful ways of adding depth to our practice of helping others.

Survival Homesteading

Join survival specialist Robert Shelley as he teams up with sustainable and organic rancher Bessheen Baker for this weekend training. This training is great for individuals and families on homestead preparedness. The advanced planning of this dynamic training team will be a powerful experience of practical demonstrations, extensive tours, and hands on training. This is a must-attend for couples, extended families, individuals, and well mannered children, looking to gain confidence in their ability to thrive in an ever changing environment.

Esoteric Anatomy of Man

Join Dr. Cunningham in revealing the Initiatic Mystery School teachings of the entire universe within the human body. These secret physiological teachings of the Ancient Priestcraft encompass decoding the anatomical scriptures of the Old Testament, the symbolism of the Ark of the Covenant, and Solomon’s Temple. This expose of the Initaiatic Teachings of the spine, nervous system, glandular system, limbic system, and cerebral spinal fluid, will shed light on the alchemical processes of the human body, on all levels of being, as well as the Involution and Evolution of Spirit. Other topics covered will include the Hermetic and Hindu teachings of the Polarity Process and wireless anatomy of the body, Astro Biochemistry, Qabalistic Symbolism, Sacred Geometry of the subtle energy body, and much, much, more!