2024 | Eyes Wide Open Conference Recording 3.0 PREORDER


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OVER 6 HOURS OF LECTURE | 10 EXPERTS | Bonus Panel Discussion

An Authentic and Scholarly Experience as we dive into the TRUTH about who runs our world.

With speakers on the frontline of discovery and awakening, learn more than can ever be said on social media about the shadow groups controlling our world, their motives, and how we protect ourselves both physically and spiritually. These specially selected speakers present their documentation and personal experiences that unfold a timeline of Crimes Against Humanity.

Topics include: Survivor of MK Ultra programming, Venom based viruses and “medicine”, MRNA/Venom insertion into our food and water supply, New treatments and protocols for maintaining health, Rebuilding Our Health and Fertility, and a message of hope: We ARE winning!


Bryan Ardis, D.C.
Chiropractor, researcher, writer and whistleblower

In the course of searching for natural remedies and prevention for C19, Dr Ardis came upon the revelation that the bio engineered virus, is made from snake venom. From there he went on to discover the frequent use of venom in common drugs, as well as promising cures. Dr Ardis is best known for his appearance in the Stew Peters Documentary “Watch the Water”

Judy Mikovits, PhD
Biochemist and Molecular Biologist

Dr. Mikovits served as the director of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute. In 2011 she discovered at least 30% of our vaccines are contaminated with gamma retroviruses. Dr Mikovits is best known for her appearance in the documentary “Plandemic.”

Cathy O'Brien
Survivor of MK Ultra under the CIA’s Project Monarch
Cathy O’Brien was sold into Project Monarch at a young age. She experienced occult blood and sexual rituals at the hands of past presidents, politicians and elite personalities. Cathy can be seen in her documentary “Trance.”

Jessie Czebotar
Satanic Cult Survivor

As a child she was forced into generational Illuminati satanic cult training. She is now a chaplain and seeks to bring light to the darkness by educating people on the hierarchy and goals of the Illuminati.

Ed Group, D.C.
Natural Health Expert, Author

A regular on the GAIA network, Dr. Group, D.C.’s mission is to identify and eliminate the root cause of disease. Dr. Group is also the Founder of the Global Healing Institute, where he teaches students how to become Certified Natural Health Coaches, empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.

Michael McKibben
The REAL Inventor of Digital Social Networking

In 2006 he was awarded US Patent No 7139761 for what is now called Social networking. The theft of McKibben’s invention is arguably the greatest larceny in history given the value of social networking today.

Todd Callender
Attorney, and Medical Freedom Champion

Todd is lead plaintiff’s counsel in the ongoing federal litigation relating to compulsory COVID vaccination of members of the US Armed Services.

Richard Olree, D.C.
Chiropractor and Author

Dr. Olree’s incredible and gifted ability to teach minerals and the genetic keys to health is unmatched! He is the author of “Minerals for the Genetic Code.” At Eyes wide Open 2.0 he and Dr Judy Mikovits connected and together they developed even more advanced protocols for repairing DNA and fighting man-made dis-eases naturally.

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